
The “ENS’
and OUTS

A Guide to Maximize Return on ENvestment in the Workplace
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A Guide to Maximize Return on ENvestment in the Workplace

The test of leadership is being able to inspire the leader within the follower. I believe in my heart that everyone is a leader, but few tap into the potential of leadership inside of them. This became ever more present once COVID struck. The amount of people that were not able to lead themselves out of despair, left a lingering impact on the global workforce. Those same people have returned to work but are often as a shell of themselves.

Who is ”ENS” and ”OUT” of Leadership for?


Leaders of Organizations


Getting A Chance


I fell in love with leadership as a child. My father was an avid reader of books like: “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff,” “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” and “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.” He had his own bathroom in the house growing up. I would sneak down there for one-on-one time and read every book he had.

By the time I started working at sixteen, I viewed leadership from a completely different perspective than most people my age. I found myself excelling quickly at every job I had and was always placed in a position to lead people.

My “big” moment of leadership came during Army boot camp in 2012. My platoon voted me to lead the class and standup front for marching etc. This by far brought something out of me that was dormant. I realized at that moment that leading was a privilege given by others. True leaders are chosen by others. Oftentimes, life has a way of confirming your gift/destiny ahead of time. I wore that badge of leadership with honor while serving. Once I redeployed, I landed a job at an automotive manufacturer doing transportation logistics.

Let's Work Together

True joyfulness comes from positive relationships formed both internally and externally. The relationships we make both personally and professionally help create enrichment in our lives. To help another person with your internal gifts is a reward of a lifetime. It’s selflessness in the purest form! Let’s work together to create joyfulness and enrich each other’s lives!

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